僕がするんじゃないけど(;^_^A 職人さんにもしぶしぶ了解を取り付けた。
I’m Kinosuke Minamikawa. I work for
Japanese Traditional confectionary industry as a sales representative. Nobody
asked, but I don’t care. Then, I planed to have a big Tea party with several
High-schools in Takamatu.
We had a big success with the Nerikiri live
performance booth. Many high-school students uploaded pictures to SNS, it is
very popular in this area now.
Unexpectedly, one of staff members of
Spanish consulate joined it and enjoyed very much. She visits us to buy our
sweets sometime.
One day, she called to us. In her place,
they have a lunch party sometime scheduled among women’s society in Takamatu.
She asked us about live performance at there. I said Yes, nobody doubt that.
Anyway that is not my job, but our staff member. He didn’t very happy with
that, finally he said OK.
Now, this is the day.
The guests are almost Japanese, and some
Spanish women.
The live performance was interesting for
Spanish guests but also Japanese. For Japanese people, it was still their first
experience. Our member for Nerikiri was looked happy, I was sure.
There was a woman who was interested in
that specially, she had many questions to us. Finally, in the end of the lunch
party, she said to me as a last question…
‘Is it possible to do same thing in