僕は上川高広。いよいよサイバーミックスが業界で発表され、各所から問い合わせがくるようになった。すごいなぁ、webって(^^♪ 業界紙からも社長に取材申し込みがいっぱいらしく、社長はうれしそうだ。
「え?? あるんですか?」
I’m Takahiro Kamikawa. At last, Cyber Mix
were announced to our industry. Then we have a lot of enquiries in these days.
Web works well! Higashida-san is busy for requests of interview from press. He
seems to be happy with those.
He had it was very important that we needed
to have big effort for Cyber Mix’s first step in the morning meeting. I know
that but I don’t have any idea clearly.
And, I have big mission which is taking
over 100 videos as soon as possible.
I need something new for brake through.
Otherwise, I can’t have time for sleep. I want to get the way to take video with
little time and little budget.
I wonder that there are lot of videos which
are low quality watching YouTube while I was in the train. But it’s too rough
for us…
‘Good morning, Sakao-san.’
‘Good morning.’
‘Well…I have a problem actually, I need
over 100 videos for web site, but I don’t have enough time. Do you have any
‘Oh, you take many times for one video
always. If you don’t need such high quality, I could help you. You can use my
‘What did you say? You have videos?’
‘Yes, I do.’
‘Why you have videos? And what that?’
‘I take video every time while I try
something. I enjoy those sometime later. That’s fun for me. I showed the video
of SukeSuke at the restaurant to their manager. I was with Komada-san, so I
guess we’ve got an order from them.’
‘How long do you take the kind of video?’
‘Well, for about 2 years, I guess. Because
I started that when I change my ordinary phone to mobile.’
That’s the way I can't see the forest for
the trees. I never know we have other video fleek…